Black & white : How to wear it, why you need it, what to buy !

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Black and white.
Seems simple enough.
But sometimes it’s harder wear than anything else.
That’s because it can look dull and boring and a snoozefest.
Unless you update the classics!
Don’t listen to anyone who tells you classics last forever.
Quite often they are the first thing to date.
The cut of the shoulder, the width of the pants, the length of the skirt, the proportions of the jacket, the shape of the coat. If you get 10 years then that’s sustainable.
It all changes ! ( and you wonder why you look average instead chic when you don’t) .

Black and white can be the core foundations of your wardrobe but you need to update the shapes to make them work and look modern.
SO when you insert them in your wardrobe they work hard and joosh everything else up.

The secret to wearing black and white so you look modern?
Add steroids ! Ha..
What I mean is strong shapes.
Make sure your new black and white pieces are exaggerated, dramatic and major.
And black has to have texture, shine or embellishment ( lace, leather, sequins)
Otherwise people will keep giving you their drink order at parties.
You are not a waitress.
You need a white shirt with major big sleeves. Crazy wide black trousers. A blazer that is long and slouchy. Sweaters that are really slouchy or really short ( I’m not going there!). A long long black skirt or dress, it might pleated or satin.

Styling tricks:
* Stick to white on top of the body : It’s table top dressing with the focus on top. And white works as light reflector ( we all need all the help we can get!)
* Use black on the bottom like skirts and pants. Under the table. Good camouflage of legs.
* If you buy one coat or blazer this season AVOID black. Too dark. Too limiting. Too snooze.
( instead buy a white coat or camel blazer or a beige /khaki trench).
* If you go for black boots or a bag it’s best to find one with texture or shine.
* White shoes are everything and completely change your look.
* Add a third colour to black and white to break up the monotone. It’s the FiFi philosophy 101.  So add brown, taupe, grey , navy to your black and white so it’s not too matchy.
* Head to toe black looks great in summer where you have sun kissed skin (!) to freshen it up.

Note: Many of the pieces I have chosen here are luxe end designer pieces.
That’s because with black and white you need a fabulous cut and quality to take you from drab to fab. BUT if you don’t have the budget use these pieces as a guide and inspiration when you’re shopping to keep you on the straight and narrow!
Lots more on the SHOP pages and pinterest

Get shopping and have a great weekend x