Karl said whaat?! Chanel takes off ! #interstellar

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Tim Blanks chats to Karl Lagerfeld on the latest Chanel collection this week in Paris.

‘It became a running joke. After Chanel built airport terminals, restaurants and supermarkets inside the Grand Palais, shipped massive icebergs and forests across Europe, flew planeloads of people to far-off lands in the interests of creating a halo around the brand, the final frontier for Karl Lagerfeld could only be space.

With a real-looking rocket anchored to the catwalk, Lagerfeld gave his audience shock and awe. What a shame he couldn’t give them a collection to match..( ouch!)

“It’s not that great down here at the moment, we need to escape” Lagerfeld

“I started this 6 months ago, to build this ( rocket ) takes 6 months, it’s not something you can do in 2 weeks just before the collection”

“There is this Frenchman up there and I really like him”

“It takes us away from boredom and this is only part of the universe we don’t know”

“People become worse and worse, they see only the screen. They don’t see the world anymore. And I don’t know if they see space.”

“They’re very modern clothes for today. Nothing to do with the childish clothes of the 1960s, when we thought we would walk in white on the moon.”

“We took off to space, but I’m the most down-to-earth person.”

“I live in a very privileged world , unrelated to reality”

“It’s very démodé to think sparkle is only for nightclubs”

“I would like to why not? But I’m too Claustrophobic, they’d have to have a bigger spaceship”

“No, no, melancholy’s not my specialty. Now we have to do the next one” .

See the show here in Vogue.com