Need now? Sneakers : How to wear them & my pick of the best #luxetoless.

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You know you need them. You know you want them.
So many out there , it can get confusing.
Never Fear FiFi is here !
Here’s the thing: You’ve probably been wearing plain white sneakers for a while now.
They are still right.
But it’s time to update to a new colour or style don’t you think?.
It’s the quickest way to joosh up your wardrobe.
Remember these sneakers are not to wear when exercising.
Mais non !
It’s when you’re out and about: when you want to look casual and chic.
When you want to be comfortable.
But look like you have made an effort !

What to look for?
There are a few different styles to choose from:
The plain almost vintage sneaker ( see here) the chunky sneaker ( see here) the classic converse canvas (see here) or there are the colour sneaker. And as you’re asking : Yes, I think the Samba are still right and now are almost de rigueur. The reason they are so popular is that they have three colours ( or four if you count the sole!) in them so cleverly match your whole wardrobe. I like these Puma too which are nearly the same

My checklist:
The white Stan smith : so comfortable, good for when you want plain and simple.
The multi beige sneakers: they go with all the neutrals and camel.
The vintage sneaker in browns – lighter style and more elegant .
The new Balance 327 sneakers:  I Like the burgundy details , they will go back with your new burgundy bag and sweater. BTW for the last few years have been living in them, THE most comfortable shoes ever !
Hint: It’s the camel sole that is important and will link back to all my camel in your wardrobe.

How to wear them?
Sneakers love and adore LONG coats. Match made in heaven.
Throw on a knit, pleather pants and a long, long trench plus sneakers = cool chic.
Sneakers also love big slouchy sweaters, a puffa jacket and leather leggins.
You’ll see that a chunky sneaker then adds the balance and proportion to the volume on top.

In terms of pants?
* Rule of thumb: With wide leg jean/chinos/ pants make sure they are long AND worn over the sneakers.
* Keep straight jeans shorter. Roll them up if you like. A big wide cuff is also cool. You want to see the ankle. And the sneakers.
* Try to match the colours of your outfit back to a colour in the sneaker. Though if you go for bright red, blue or green then a plain neutral outfit works too. If you crave some colour then sneakers are the way to do it ! Keep the clothes monotone and then add the coloured sneakers as the main focus.
* Sneakers and a skirt? Works in summer but in winter: Mmmm not so sure. It’s about the bare leg situation. You could try the new colored hosiery trend but I think that works with heels only.

Now get shopping ! I have found the best sneakers luxe to less
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