Steal her style ! Skirt + boots + coat = Yes !

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How to wear a skirt in winter?
Maybe you want to know how to wear combat boots?
This is the way to do it !
Styling tips:
*It’s about a longer skirt with boots that sit high. No gap. Can’t bear it. The hem of the skirt needs to come over the top of the boots.
* It doesn’t have to be satin , the skirt can also be leather, pleat or wrap. Just needs to be mid shin.
* Go for combat boots that sit higher up the leg. ( they look great under jeans too).
Note: if you do find you have a teeny gap between hem of skirt and top of boots ( when you sit down and eeeek you see flesh !) then pull on black opaque tights.
* You want a slouchy sweater so that is hangs long,  though a half tuck is not wrong either.
* Make sure your oversized coat also sits as the same length as the skirt. Or longer. (When the coat is shorter it just reminds me of Princess Di who did that when she had no idea and tossed any old coat over her long dresses. Bless.)
*Remember with black you want texture or shine ( leather/ satin/ knits) and black HAS to be updated to the new modern shapes. Because it sure ain’t the colour that is giving you a fashion statement !

The best thing about this look is that it is comfortable, warm and so chic !

Now you can steal her style!

LTK Links:

Coat // Cashmere Sweater // Skirt // Sunglasses // Bag // Boots