Want to get dressed easily & effortlessly? Yes, please! #wardrobedetox

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Good news ! ( thank god we need it !)
Looks like the stores are slowly starting to open.
We can even be able to go shopping and hit a few stores.  #happyface!
There is power in feeling fabulous, strong & confident in these crazy times.
So with the easing of social distancing I am happy to say I can now offer a wardrobe detox at home again !
Not in Sydney?
Maybe you are not comfortable having anyone at home?
That’s easily fixed !
I’m also still offering a wardrobe detox via zoom or FaceTime.
But wait there’s more:
For those who are desperate for a winter wardrobe update I’ll sort you out via a chat and then it’s all online.
I’ll email you your shopping list so you can shop from the comfort of your own home.
Effortless, ageless dressing is coming your way.
Because the last thing you want to do is get stressed by your wardrobe.
Get your style and your outfits sorted right now.
That way you’ll free yourself up to deal with everything else that comes our way.
Let’s do this !
Send me an email fifi@fifi.com.au or DM on instagram
or comment here or below!
Thanks ! x