Strawberry & Mint Slushie.

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It’s spring ! Time for juicy strawberries.
This is a lovely slushie to whip up in two seconds flat.
Easy, delicious it has virtually no sugar …Adulterated from Jamie Oliver.

Serves 8 fashionista or 35 models.

500 g strawberries
1 sprig of fresh mint
ice cubes
1 lemon
optional : 1 teaspoon golden caster sugar

•    Slip into Chloe Caftan.
•    Pull on Prada pumps.
•    Sock down a wine.
•    Pick the top leafy bits off the strawberries.
•    Pick the mint leaves, discarding the stalk.
•    Add the strawberries and mint leaves to a whizzer along with 100g of ice cubes.
•    Cut the lemon in half. Get Bradley Cooper to do this as it is quite tricky. Not.
•    Squeeze half the lemon juice into the whizzer using your fingers to catch any pips. Hint: Don’t turn the whizzer on when you use your fingers or you will have more than pips in there. Yikes.
•    Add enough cold water to just cover the strawberries (roughly 350ml), pop the lid on and whiz until smooth as an Hermes bag.
•    Fill a large jug halfway up with ice cubes.
•    Taste the slushie and sweeten with a little sugar, if needed.
•    Pour into the jug and stir with a wooden spoon.
•    Accessorise with a few mint leaves.
•    Guzzle.