Mario Testino: Private View.

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Mario Testino: Private View …by Mario Testino .

‘A Magician with a camera and a master of modern fashion and portrait photography. If photography had a royal family, Mario Testino would be its reigning prince.
What this book brings together is a smashing selection of his best studio work with gorgeous examples of his candid shots.
Elizabeth Hurley perched on a piano wrapping her legs around Elton John, anyone? A beaming Gwyneth Paltrow clutching her freshly-won Oscar? Diana, Princess of Wales, and her handsome sons? Yes, please.
A selection of Testino’s best recent advertising and fashion works rounds out this luscious and stupendously heterogeneous array, begging the question: does Mario Testino ever sleep?’ A must buy.

$41 Publisher: Taschen (September 30, 2012, at Amazon.

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