The Super Models – Official trailer . #appleTV
FiFi | September 9, 2023OOOh can’t wait ! ‘This is going to be legendary. The Super Models premieres September 20 on appleTV. Hailing...
Slim Aarons : A New Book Captures a Lost World .
FiFi | September 2, 2023Oooh this new book Slim Aarons: The Essential Collection by Shawn Waldron, needs to go on my must buy...
Lee Miller: Photographs by Antony Penrose (Author), Kate Winslet.
FiFi | August 26, 2023Do you know Lee Miller? I’ve been obsessed about her since I first read her biography years ago ....
11 new fabulous Cookbooks #Vogue
FiFi | August 19, 2023Love collecting cook books. Nice to cook from but sometimes just lovely to read ! ‘Your options for cookbooks...
Naomi, Cindy, Linda & Christy! The Return of the Supers – Behind the Scenes of the September Issue #vogue
FiFi | August 12, 2023Love it ! ‘ An exclusive behind the scenes look at Vogue’s September Issue cover with legendary supermodels Naomi...
Inside Jenna Lyons fabulous Soho apartment #Vogue
FiFi | August 5, 2023Jenna Lyons, who was the creative behind J Crew when it was fabulous and now the founder and CEO...
The best design books of 2023 #elledecorUK
FiFi | July 29, 2023What a fabulous selection of books ! Thanks Elle Deco : ‘So much of modern life is spent staring...
Watch Emilia Clarke and Olivia Colman Cackle Over Tea in a New Video Series, “Off the Cuff”
FiFi | July 22, 2023Vogue recently paired the two “Secret Invasion” stars for a game of quick(-ish) questions and challenges—to hilarious effect …Can...
Paris Chic: Mais oui ! #Books #BastilleDay
FiFi | July 15, 2023What a divine book: Add to cart and get swept away. Nearly as good as being there. ‘Paris is...
Une Fille. Un style #VogueFrance
FiFi | July 15, 2023Love this video series on Vogue France called One Girl, one Style. A sneak peek into chic women and...