Beauty item of the week: #WhiteGlo.
FiFi | September 3, 2022Here’s the most important FiFi Fashion philosophies: Three colours on the body. Table top dressing. Update the classics. White...
Aesop Purifying Facial Exfoliant Paste.
FiFi | August 27, 2022This is the best exfoliating scrub. I have been using for years. Let’s just say it works. And the...
Beauty product of the week #Embryolisse.
FiFi | August 19, 2022Everyone always asks so I thought I’d share some of my personal favourite beauty products each week . I...
Beauty item of the week: Foundation #BobbiBrown.
FiFi | August 12, 2022As you get older less is more with makeup. Too much clogged on foundation can actually make you older...
Best Beauty buy: #BobbiBrown #LongWearBrowPencil .
FiFi | August 1, 2022It’s the beauty buy of the week ! In fact it’s my favourite beauty product I’m using right now....
Beauty product of the week: Ultra violette Queen Screen.
FiFi | July 28, 2022Let me share new favourite beauty product with you. My fabulous beauty obsessed friend recommended it to me. It’s...
Beauty Item of the week: #Mac #eyePrimer.
FiFi | July 22, 2022This has to be the one beauty products I can’t live without. I’d take it to a desert island....
Chanel Double Facettes Miroir #Beautybuy.
FiFi | November 4, 2020Reasons you must have the Chanel Miroir Double Facettes: Because it’s Chanel. Because it’s so pretty. Because it’s a...
Beauty Product du jour : Face Halo.
FiFi | October 30, 2020It’s always tricky trying to take off waterproof mascara. Then I found these fabulous reusable face pads called Face...
Aesop Parsley Seed Masque #beautyitem.
FiFi | October 15, 2020A recipe from Aesop for a delicious facial: Ingredients: 1 heaped teaspoon of Parsley Seed Cleansing Masque Preheat room...