All posts by FiFi
FiFi | February 17, 2014
Cheap & chic: A statement necklace !
Reasons to love a chunky jewel Necklace: Because it’s $3000 (!) less than the original from Lanvin Because...
FiFi | February 17, 2014
Camo. Military. Army. Fatiques.
Camo. Military. Army. Fatiques. Call it what you like. Dark green khaki , a parka or anything with...
FiFi | February 17, 2014
Total Effects+ Anti-aging Eye Cream.
Reasons to smile this week…. You are not in rehab. It’s impossible to frown. You can finally wear...
FiFi | February 17, 2014
PUNK: Chaos to Couture!
The theme of the Met ball for 2013? PUNK: Chaos to Couture! New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art...
FiFi | February 17, 2014
The Sartorialist: Closer.
Scott Schuman is back with a new book : The Sartorialist: Closer. You may recall this is the...
FiFi | February 17, 2014
Get the look: White jeans & Blazer
What do we love about this look? The simple white jeans are NOT skinny but flared. This makes...
FiFi | February 16, 2014
Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele !
Fashion Editor Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele ‘set the gold standard for blinged-out chic. Now her “rich bitch” styling...
FiFi | February 16, 2014
Item du jour: a stripe tee
It was Coco Chanel who said “Fashion fades, only style remains the same.” It was also Coco Chanel...
FiFi | February 16, 2014
You need it :Bright orange nail polish
Reasons you want bright orange nail polish: It’s so cold your tootsies are turning purple. Bright orange will...
FiFi | February 16, 2014
Is Chanel naming a bag after Choupette?
Is Chanel naming a bag after Choupette? She’s French. She’s chic. She’s a size zero. She’s white and...