Get ready for the fabulous new doco ‘In Vogue: The 90s!’

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Oooh can’t wait for this !
‘From The September Issue to The First Monday in May, big-screen releases which delve into the inner workings of Vogue – how the magazine is put together, how covers are selected, what goes on behind the scenes at the brand’s glitziest events – have long been a staple of the fashion documentary subgenre. And now, a juicy new release is about to join its ranks: In Vogue: The 90s, a six-part retrospective of some of the most jaw-dropping moments from this tumultuous and transformative decade in fashion, as it played out in the pages of the publication.

Told through the eyes of Vogue editors Anna Wintour, Edward Enninful, Tonne Goodman, Hamish Bowles, and an A-list cast; from Kate Moss, Kim Kardashian, and Victoria Beckham to Mary J. Blige – “In Vogue: The 90s” reveals the inside story of the decade that made celebrities out of supermodels and style icons out of music moguls. Told through the eyes of Vogue editors Anna Wintour, Edward Enninful, Tonne Goodman, Hamish Bowles, and an A-list cast; from Kate Moss, Kim Kardashian, and Victoria Beckham to Mary J. Blige – “In Vogue: The 90s” reveals the inside story of the decade that made celebrities out of supermodels and style icons out of music moguls.”

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