Beauty Item of the week: #Mac #eyePrimer.
This has to be the one beauty products I can’t live without.
I’d take it to a desert island.
You see it actually holds your eye shadow in place.
It won’t move.
Who da thunk?!
My problem:
Oily eyelids. #pleaseexplain.
I’d apply eye shadow. By the time I’d get to the car it would have creased, dropped and slipped off my face. Yikes.
Tried powdering down the eyelids. Tried waterproof eyeliner. Nothing worked.
The Solution:
Then I tried the MAC eye primer base.
It’s a miracle!
I can apply my eye shadow and it stays on.
Even after a swim. ( Not joking !) Even the next morning. Even after watching Out of Africa.
The Trick?
Apply the tiniest bit of MAC eye primer and immediately apply eye shadow.
Tip: Don’t let it dry.
It lasts forever, I took a year to use one tube and that’s wearing it every day.
And don’t worry it’s invisible.
If you’re a shadow wearing woman then you need this stat.
$30 SHOP it here M.A.C Cosmetics Prep + Prime 24-Hour Extend Eye Base.