Preserved Lemon Chicken #MaggieBeer
Perfect for autumn.
This is an easy recipe to toss together and tastes absolutely delicious.
It’s as easy as tossing on a Celine dress. Simple is chic…adulterated from Maggie Beer
You need for 6 fashionista and 25 models:
4 large chicken thighs
2 to 4 small quarters Preserved Lemons sliced thinly
2 tabs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4 bay leaves
2 tabs lemon thyme stripped
4 rosemary sprigs
1 teas salt
2 tabs Chicken Stock
2 tabs Verjuice
• Slip into Celine dress.
• Pull on Givenchy heels.
• Pour a wine or ten. Guzzle.
• Preheat oven to 220°C.
• Chop up the preserved lemons into chic stick thin model style slices.
• Place chicken thighs in a bowl with preserved lemons, one tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil, bay leaves, lemon thyme and rosemary, toss to combine.
• Place onto baking tray and drizzle with remaining extra Virgin Olive Oil . That’s the chicken not you.
• Sprinkle with salt and then toss into oven.
• After 15 minutes remove the chicken from oven, turn temperature down to 180°C.
• Drizzle thighs (That’s the chicken not yours) with remaining Stock and Verjuice and return to oven.
• Pour another wine.
• After 15 minutes remove from oven and allow to rest for 15 minutes.
• Serve with juices and roast potatoes and a green salad.
• Fabulous !
Picture from theviewfromgreatisland