Plum & almond tart #withpolentapastry
It’s the season for plums !
May I present one of my most favourite tart recipes. Ever. (I posted it waaay back on The FiFi Report but I have to share it again because it’s so good).
Adulterated from from Grow. Harvest. Cook . Growharvestcook.com.au
This pastry is fabulous – and easy to make – because it has polenta which gives it a crunchy texture. Divine!
You need for 30 models or 10 fashionista
(double the pastry quantities for a decent size tart).
½ cup plain flour
½ cup polenta
¼ cup caster sugar
75g unsalted butter, chopped
2 tbsp iced water
thick cream, to serve
almond filling
75g butter, at room temperature
1/3 cup caster sugar
1 egg
¾ cup fresh almonds or you can use almond meal
* I always whiz/blitz fresh almonds instead of using almond meal: it makes a huge difference in the taste.
1 tbsp plain flour
6 or so plums, halved, stone removed
• Slip into your Valentino chiffon dress.
• Throw on your new Prada wedges.
• First up: get out the whizzer and blitz the almonds so they are like powder with a little crunch.
• Remove the almonds from the whizzer and toss into bowl to rest.
• Now throw flour, polenta, sugar and (softened) butter in a food processor.
• Process it until mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Or the cellulite on your thighs. Bless.
• Add water and pulse, until dough forms a ball around blade.
Amazing but it does actually do that.
• Toss it onto a lightly floured surface and bring dough together in a blob that looks like your stomach will (after you’ve eaten this).
• Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 30mins.
• Preheat oven to 190C or 170C fan.
• Lightly moisturize a 12 x 35cm loose based, fluted, loose based flan pan.
• Now press dough evenly over base and sides of pan. You will think it won’t make it but keep spreading with your fingers until it’s even and it should make it.
• Tip: You want the pastry to go up the sides so press it in as firmly as you can: this is to keep the filling in place so it doesn’t ooze out when cooking. This is not a good look.
• Chill again for 5 minutes while you make the filling.
• Now chop the plums into chunky slices. Too small and they will go gooey.
• To make the filling: Get out the electric mixer, and beat the butter and sugar together until pale and creamy as a Chloe bag.
• Toss in the egg and beat into the mixture.
• Stir through the almonds and then the flour into mixture. Mix until combined.
• Taste it and you will see how delicious this is.
• It might seem dry but it’s actually means this filling will hold the fruit.
• Spread and dollop the filling over tart pastry.
• Place the plums with aplomb over the filling.
• Now throw in the oven and bake for 35-40 mins, until crisp and golden as Donatella.
• Serve warm with thick cream
• Superb!
Picture from cannellevanille.com.