Summer Berry Pudding. #NeilPerry.
The perfect dish to serve for a Sunday lunch.
It’s so easy and all those berries make it pretty healthy.
A friend whipped it up last weekend and it was fabulous.
We served it slathered with cream and a scattering of more fresh berries strewn over the top.
The best thing is that you can make it the day before so less cooking on the day.
Adulterated from Neil Perry who says “There is no simpler or more delicious dessert than a tangy summer pudding. And with all the wonderful berries in season. You’ll need to leave this no-bake pudding in the fridge the night before serving to soak up the delicious berry juices’.
You need :
250g each strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, plus extra to serve (optional)
125g blackberries, plus extra to serve (optional)
1 cup castor sugar
10 fairly thick slices of white bread, crusts removed
Double cream (optional)
• Remove the stalks from the fruit. Wash only the strawberries and blueberries.
• Hull the strawberries, cut in half if small, quarters if large.
• In a saucepan, combine the sugar and strawberries and place over a medium heat for three minutes, stirring until a syrup forms and strawberries are slightly softened.
• Add blueberries, simmer one minute, add raspberries and blackberries and remove from heat straight away.
• Get the six slices of bread to line the base and sides of a 1.5-litre pudding basin.
• First, line base with a large round piece (about 10cm).
• Cut the remaining bread into thick, tapered fingers (two from each slice) to line sides, placing them side by side.
• Place just the fruit in the dish, packing it tightly.
• Pour in half the juice and reserve the remaining liquid.
• Place the 4 remaining slices of bread on top of the fruit, then pour over half the remaining syrup.
• Cover the dish with a heavy weight, one that is small enough to rest on the pudding itself.
• It must be able to exert considerable pressure. Perhaps a few extra plates will be needed.
• Leave the pudding overnight in the refrigerator.
• Turn out, place on a plate and serve with extra berries and double cream.