It’s all white ! 12 fabulous pieces for the beach under $300 #cheapbutchic.
This summer it’s all about wearing simple white head to toe.
( white for summer? groundbreaking !)
But seriously who doesn’t love it?
Fresh, chic and minimal it looks great on everyone.
Plus with white next to your face it takes 10 years off #cheaperthanbotox.
The trick?
Keep it loose and oversized and slouchy.
Layer up a white tank with pants, toss on a white dress or kaftan or try cute overalls.
Add white sandals and sunglasses (& a strawbag) and you’re ready to hit the beach.
It’s pretty easy. It’s all I will be wearing.
(Isn’t that what summer is all about? Hello, effortless dressing).
Everybody keep calm !
I have tracked down 12 fabulous pieces you can right buy now before you jet away on your beach holiday.
The best news?
Everything here is cheap but chic with nothing over $300 !
Get shopping!
PS Don’t forget to check the SHOP fifi’s wish list cheap but chic for more !
Your shopping list:
Jac jack white pants, Country Road white tank, White Birkenstocks, White Rashie.
Bassike long dress, Overalls shopbop, Tiered dress shopbop, Walnut sneakers from Birdsnest.
Matches white Kaftan and here, Witchery sandals, Asos white sunglasses, Lululemon white rashie.