Time to pack your Travel Wardrobe !

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Time to pack your travel wardrobe!
Here are the key pieces you need for trans seasonal dressing.
Obviously toss in a little black dress like this one  or this one if you’re heading to warmer climes.
You can layer it over a white tee with your trench coat.
And don’t forget your sequin top to joosh up everything at night.
I love and adore Rains parkas, they are actually waterproof ! Whaat?!
Get packing !
Having trouble working out what to take?
Never fear FiFi is here !
Book a wardrobe travel style up at home. It’s easy.
Takes about 3 hours and you’re done.
I’ll choose your key pieces to give you a myriad of versatile looks.
Wherever you’re going, whatever the climate.
They’ll be no sobbing in the foetal position in the George V as everyone waits for you to get dressed.
Because we will take photos so you can sneakily refer to your secret look book. #phew.
You can nonchalantly throw on your outfit in 5 minutes flat.
Click and shop !