They said whaat?! Tom Ford #nocturnalanimals.
As Tom Ford’s much-anticipated second movie, Nocturnal Animals, is released, the designer turned film director talks to The Guardian about dress code, family and eccentricity…(By the way I saw a preview and the film is fantastic).
“You gotta learn in life what makes you feel comfortable in terms of clothing and that’s what you should wear. Some people look great in knitwear; that’s what they want to wear, they look good in it, it feels right for them. Trainers: I feel weak in trainers. I mean, I wear them when I’m at the gym, but I feel soft and I don’t like that.”
“Yes, I wore ( a suit) on set, it’s a uniform. I’m comfortable, it suits who I am. Except the parts when we were in Texas, where I wore cowboy boots and a cowboy hat, which looks surprisingly good on me.” . On what he wore shooting his new film, Nocturnal Animals.
“I don’t smoke. Some people go out and have a cigarette. I don’t drink, some people drink. I lie in a bath full of hot water.”
“I’m a very, very, very private person. I’m also a very shy person. So what most people know of me is a product. It is a billboard. It is a selling tool. That’s not to say it’s false. It comes from me. Everything I make I am proud of. So this is a part of my personality, but it’s the surface. When I made A Single Man, I actually had people say to me, ‘My God, I didn’t realise you had such depth.’ It’s kind of shocking. You realise, ‘Oh, oh-kay…’”
“ I’ve struggled with contemporary culture. Sometimes, contemporary culture revolts me. And where we’re moving, it just disgusts me.”
“some day Kim Kardashian is probably going to be on some stage at Kennedy Center Honors [annual awards given to a handful of artists judged to have made a meaningful contribution to American culture] when she’s 80, getting an award. And everyone’s going to say, ‘Oh my God, Kim Kardashian, don’t you remember when she was…’” She will be their Marilyn. She will be there because this is the world we live in.”
“There’s a moment in fashion when you think of the idea,” he says. “You think, ‘Oh God, fuck, that’s it!’ And a lot of times you’re wrong and it doesn’t work at all, but that moment when you think it does is great. But fashion is very fleeting. You can look at that same thing the next year and you’re like, ‘OK, yeah that’s nice.’ And you look at it years later in a museum and you go, ‘Well, that’s interesting, look at how I did that stitching, that was great.’ But it never has the power that it does at the very beginning”.
“And film does. You watch an old film, everyone’s dead but you’re crying with them, you’re emoting with them; it’s the most rewarding thing if you’re someone who wants to express themselves. if it’s genuine, has the same power when you watch it 30 years, 40 years, 80 years later. It’s not diluted. And that’s incredible.”
“I think it’s time I started ageing, otherwise I’ll start looking odd. You have to give in to it. I mind the physical part that comes with it, but the actual mindset that comes with it, I love. Because while I don’t like it, I also don’t care as much. So what? This is who I am.”
“Oh I’ve planned on ( when I’m ) going grey. I know exactly when I’ll go grey. I have a four year-old child, there’s lots of time to go grey. I plan on living into my 90s, so maybe 72, 73, 74, I’ll go grey. Then I’ll have a good 20 years of grey.” A stickler for good manners, he walks me to the door of the suite. “That’s plenty.”
“I don’t know, I sound like a crazy person. I guess I’m quite philosophical and I spend an enormous amount of time pondering all of these things – in the bath. In the bath!”