They said whaaat? #CindyCrawford.
Bombshell, businesswoman, brand: after 34 years as the world’s most glamorous supermodel, CINDY CRAWFORD still reigns supreme. Ahead of the launch of her first book, she tells Porter magazine about the lessons she has learned at the top.
“Who knew that modelling would have got me all the way to 49? I remember thinking at age 25 that I had, at most, five years left…”
“If I ever had it removed, I wouldn’t feel like me anymore. My fans worry about it a lot, you know – to the point where I’m wondering whether The Mole should have its own Twitter account and Instagram page, just like Harry Styles’ ponytail.” on her all-important trademark: The Mole.
“In my thirties and even early forties, I could kind of still fake it. But then I started to worry that I was disappointing people, that I wasn’t delivering the ‘Cindy Crawford’ that they expected. But I’m past that now. I can’t even smoke-and-mirrors the Cindy from my twenties anymore. And that’s okay” On being 50.
“What I have to offer now is different, that’s all. And I don’t mind being different. So I decided that, rather than run and hide from the fact that I’m turning 50, I would embrace it”
“ I’ve always liked to challenge how people see me. When I did the Vanity Fair cover with K.D. Lang [in August 1993, with a swimsuit-clad Crawford shaving the singer, who was dressed as a man], it upset and surprised people. But I couldn’t understand why people would take it so literally. Really, there is no such thing as a ‘true’ picture – even paparazzi shots aren’t real.”
“Kaia’s blossoming into such a beautiful young woman and I really want to let her shine. I don’t want her to feel in competition with me. I’ll tease her and say, ‘You have my old hair — give it back!’ Or, ‘Give me back my legs!'”
“Today, models are expected to be so tiny, and I worry about that for her ( daughter ) because that was never my natural body type and I don’t think it’ll be hers either. Still, I’ll say to her, ‘Enjoy carbs while you can”.
“When I was writing the book, I didn’t want it to be a tell-all or an autobiography. It was important to me to share only stories that had a message or a lesson that had a universal appeal…Look, I learned a lot from Richard. I learned about how to be famous. Again, that’s not a universal lesson. And a lot of the personal things, everything else I learned from that, were for me. It’s not something I want to share” On why she didn’t go into detail about her marriage to Richard Gere.
You can read the full interview on Friday when PORTER hits stands everywhere.