Love x Style x Life… by Garance Dore. #hotbook.
Do you know Garance Doré?
A tres chic Parisienne living in New York her fashion blog is one of my favourites.
Now she is launching a book Love x Style x Life , out in October.
Garance writes ‘Love x Style x Life is about elegance and style but also something deeper than that. It talks about love and life and living with elegance of the heart. The most important thing I have learned is that elegance is about who you are on the inside, how you are with people and having inner confidence – that will make you stylish, and beautiful, it will make people love you. Not over bragging but having a strong sense of self. That is elegance. Everything in the book is new – so all the illustrations, all the words and pictures – nothing is old. It has been quite a project.”
‘This illustrated book takes readers on a unique narrative journey that blends Garance’s inimitable photography and illustrations with the candid, hard-won wisdom drawn from her life and her travels. Infused with her Left Bank sensibility, the eclecticism of her adopted city of New York, and the wild, passionate spirit of her native Corsica, Love Style Life is a backstage pass behind fashion’s frontlines, peppered with French-girl-next-door wit and advice on everything from mixing J.Crew with Chanel, to falling in love, to pursuing a life and career that is the perfect reflection of you.’
$14 Publisher: Spiegel & Grau (October 27, 2015) Preorder here from Amazon.
The pics below are from an interview “What I keep on my desk” from Fenwick.