Cheap but chic: It’s a denim skirt. #getshopping.
This week’s cheap but chic?
A tres cool button through denim skirt from Glassons.
I’ve been insisting you buy a denim skirt for years.
Now they are almost a classic.
An essential in anyone’s wardrobe.
Right now the 70’s button through is THE shape for summer.
As you can see here on The FiFi Report from a couple of weeks ago .
What’s love?
It’s knee length. It’s a faded denim. It’s a flattering, narrow shape.
You wear it right now and then into summer. LOVE that.
Wear it with a denim shirt, a slouchy white tee or grab a chunky sweater .
Tuck it in. #yesyoucan
Add ankle boots. white sneakers. Wedges.
Please ditch the socks. #Yikes.
Buy here at Glassons. $49.99. #Shutup.
Pic from TheNorthernlight. Streetstyle from FiFiReportpinterest