Twelve totally fabulous finds under $100. #getshopping.
Spent all your hard earned dollars on a Balenciaga bag and botox?
Never fear FiFi is here.
Let me present twelve fabulous FiFi Finds all under $100.
Whaaat?! #everybdoykeepcalm.
It’s true.
Everything here is a barganza. #butlooksexpensive.
There is NO excuse to be a dag in this day and age where chic pieces can be found at great prices.
#Getshopping !
Your shopping list:
H&M jacket, Trenery denim shirt, Zara denim flares, Witchery flats.
Seed skirt, French Connection sweater, colette necklace, ASOS boots
Cotton On trench, Uniqlo sweater, Country Road poncho, Ninewest heels.