Always Pack a Party Dress ! #hotbook.
As Refinery29 writes ‘Amanda Brooks has a fantastic life. She’s partied with Mick Jagger in Paris and been featured on the pages of Vogue. And, she’s had an enviable career, doing a number of amazing jobs starting as an assistant for the fashion photographer Patrick Demarchelier and working her way up to become the fashion director at Barneys’.
‘There was lots of life advice to go around at her latest book launch held at the J.Crew store in SoHo. Brooks’s second book, titled Always Pack A Party Dress: And Other Lessons Learned from a (Half) Life in Fashion, includes tips for every fashion enthusiast on hair, makeup, and more. Brooks also recounts her career experiences in the fashion industry. “I wanted to tell what it was really like working in fashion,” said the fashion extraordinaire, donning a summer-appropriate J.Crew frock. “There is always a very glamorous lens, but I wanted to tell stories that I really hope will transcend fashion and be relatable to any girl starting out in her career, figuring out her style, and navigating through New York City.”
As guests sampled summer canapés and cocktails during the book-signing portion of the evening, Brooks doled out some career advice to the young women lined up: “Stay awake and stay curious,” she said. “I think security is a very dangerous thing for young people to get too comfortable with. You always need to be evolving and stimulated. If you’re not happy in your career, try something else.”
The girls weren’t the only ones having fun at the party though—nearby Barneys New York creative ambassador Simon Doonan shared his thoughts on dressing. “My main piece of style advice is: Go home, put all your sensible work clothes in a pile, and get rid of them, and just wear party clothes!” And of Amanda Brooks, Doonan excitedly proclaimed, “She’s brilliant, I love her philosophy! She injects fashion with humor and some bohemianism. It’s inspirational—life is for living, and have a good time.”’ from Vogue.com
$20 Always Pack a Party Dress: And Other Lessons Learned From a (Half) Life in Fashion Paperback –by Amanda Brooks . Publisher: Blue Rider Press (May 26, 2015) from Amazon.