White ! White ! White ! #headtotoe #stylingtrick.
You’ve been shopping. Yay.
You have lots of gorgeous grey and camel ready to pull on for winter.
Now you need think about white .
About wearing it from head to toe.
It’s the styling trick of the week.
It’s an instant joosh up.
It’s simple, chic and minimal. Easy. Let’s just say effortless. #nothinking.
It makes a major statement without being scary . Like bright colours and prints #yikes.
The idea?
Layer up white on white.
It could be as simple as tossing on a white sweater with white jeans.
Or a white shirt under a white top with a white vest.
Can’t do head to toe white ? Don’t want to channel Diane Keaton? LOL
Tnen add a touch of black, navy, tan or grey to break it up.
You know the drill.
Go for oversized shapes or tailoring: whatever suits your style.
Add white shoes. Please. Just try it. You’ll see. It’s about sneakers, sandals or heels.
Check out the street style shots from mypinterestpage for ideas and inspiration
#Getshoppping!..scroll down for the shopping list or click on the pics.
Hint: Keep away from blueberry muffins, beetroot juices, toddlers and puppies. #youneedanexcuse
Shopping list :
J Crew sweater, Seed skirt, YSL heels.
Trenery sweater, Country Road pants, Trenery brogues.
Kors Trench, Paige jeans, See by Chloe sandals.
Saba coat, Mansur Gavriel backpack, White converse.
SeedHeritage top, Joseph pants, Ninewest heels.