Twelve lovely leather skirts! #buynow.
As all loyal FiFi Report readers know I’ve always been mad, crazy for a leather skirt.
Probably since, well, I first spied a leather skirt in the Celine FW show waaay back in 2009 . (Check out the divine, droolworthy collection here , you would wear ALL of it right now).
Of course if you have done the right thing and bought a leather skirt when first instructed on The FiFi Report you would have had years, yes years of wear. And loved it every time you have tossed it on.
Now it’s time for a new one (I’ve been thrashing mine so much it has now stretched) (more than me)( if you know what I mean).
What’s to love about a leather skirt?
It’s modern and sexy and always chic.
It’s for every age and shape.
It means you can wear head to toe black and you don’t look like one big black blob.
You can toss it on with a T-shirt and bare legs like, totally right now.
Then in winter it loves a big slouchy grey sweater and ankle boots.
But wait there’s more!
Now that pleather is looking fabulous you can rock a plastic faux leather skirt at all sorts of budget prices. #lovethat.
A leather loves anything you wear with it.
Go for black, tan, camel or even burgundy.
In terms of shape go for the most flattering : a pencil skirt, a flirty flared skirt or something that flicks out or wraps around. #yougettheidea
Pleated leather skirts look new and fabulous. #ThanksCeline. #again.
Knee length is probably best but if you have the legs then hell yeah , show em off!
FiFi’s styling tip: Choose a short crop jacket that stops at the waist, better to show off the skirt. OR toss on a long slouchy oversized sweater and let it hang down. That’s the new sihouette. #chic.
If you want to know what shoes to wear with a leather skirt then I suggest that you check out all the pinterest street style shots below.#lovesit
There’s everything from ankle boots to trainers to chic pumps and crazy wedges and man style laceups.
Oh la la what are you waiting for? #getshopping !
FiFi favourites :
Trenery, Country Road, Lanvin.
Theoutnet, Country Road , Gorman.
Seed, Witchery, French Connection.
Shopbop, Asos, Alexander Wang.
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