They said what?! #Whitewedding
“Solange had an Aesthetically Superior Wedding” The Cut
“ it was a wedding for the Instagram Hall of Fame” See more of Solange’s white wedding here at Vogue
“Last but not least….:) Shout out to Benadryl yo, lol.,” Solange’s tweet referring to the moment where she broke out in hives.
“I think if we just remain deeply tasteful and just put deeply tasteful people on the cover, it would be a rather boring magazine”! Anna Wintour referrring to KK and Kanye cover. #theyarenot #tasteful
‘The first celebrity that I put on the cover of Vogue was Madonna, and that was considered completely controversial at the time, too. It’s such a long time ago probably no one remembers, but she was a very controversial figure. Now she’s part of the establishment.’ Anna Wintour
“If you don’t need a lipstick touch-up at some point, you’re not really living.” Taylor Swift.
“It was the least cathartic thing I’ve ever done. I kind of went dark. I stayed in, drank more and ate Kits Kats for breakfast. I knew I needed to be uncensored.” Brooke Shields on writing her memoir.
“I can often be seen and not heard. So the way I present myself can have a big impact, which is partially why I’m so passionate about health and fitness, and strength. People don’t expect me to be well-read or have an opinion, I almost like that — I like being able to shock people”. Model Karlie Kloss