It’s tan, white with a touch of khaki #noblack! #get shopping!
You are sick of wearing head to toe black.
You are desperate for a new totes interesting wardrobe.
But who wants to revert to crazy colours or pesky prints?. #yee gads.
So this week it’s all about choc, white and a touch of Khaki.
All these colours love black.
All these colours love each other.
It’s a love in! #Get shopping.
Here is your shopping list:
The summer trench: You need it. You want it. Toss it over every single thing you own from denim to black. Skip out the door. #addthermal #underwear.
The crop vest: It’s a cute layering piece. It loves and adores pants as you can see in the pic. It could go on a date with a leather skirt. This new shape changes all the proportions. That means it looks new. Fill the pockets with all your new credit credits and a sneaky gin.
The outrageous lace up tan heels from Shopbop and Ninewest. A nice change from black heels for summer don’t you think? And doesn’t tan look fresh? Please nod your head. Oh and your legs will look longer. Shut up.
The linen belted coat: It’s a coat when you are not wearing a coat. So chic over black and white. The short sleeves means you get muffin arm coverage without getting heat exhaustion. Wear it undone. Done deal.
The white shirt: Love a silky, sexy white shirt. Crucial to the wardrobe. Lovely over a black lacy bra. #Stylingtrick
The flat gladiator: Funny how it just keeps on going. Like Russel Crowe. These little beauties are an instant wardrobe updater. Tip: Roll up your pants.
The white bag: You have been trying to get your head around white shoes. Try a white bag. Lightens up your life like a Pharrel song. #happy #Bucketisbest.
The tan leather skirt: Buy now Alert ! Buy Now Alert ! NB: this colour will be huge trend next winter. So invest now. For years of wear. And if you can’t afford the Gucci this skirt is for you.
The Cape: It’s the item du jour (again!). Perfect for transeasonal weather. AKA right now in Australia. You can toss it over any muffin situation. Plus handy to smuggle new shoes into the house.
The white boxy tee: A must buy. You need it. It is the missing link in the your wardrobe. I bought a white boxy tee last summer. Lived in it.
The khaki cargo skirt: Oh la la : it’s great with white, perfect with black, looks fabulous with tan. End of story.