The item du jour? A stripe tee. For you. #everyprice #BastilleDay
What: : A stripe tee.
Which: You need a stripe tee. It should have long sleeves. It could have black or navy stripes. Cobalt blue is nice. Red is cool. Green is not. Wide stripes are great and thin is always chic. Look for a loose shape, a drop shoulder and a flattering round neckline. Too wide on the neckline and it’s a no no! You could have leather detail on the shoulder, a touch of red or go for a faded look. The best classic french Breton? Petit Bateau*, Armor Luxe and Saint James. The best cheap but chic? Head to K Mart: No pics on their site but they are instore for $15.#truestory.
Why: Because it’s Bastille Day every day this week on The FiFi Report. Because stripes are great way to wear pattern when you need to steer away from prints. Because stripes are always chic at any age or shape ( ditch that silly old myth that says you look fat wearing stripes. Mais non! I have put size 16 in stripes and they look fabulous.). Because a stripe never goes out of style.
Wear: With under a trench/leather/fur/parka. Add jeans, pull on heel/flats, do the half tuck. Voila !
Where: Cliquez vous away on the pictures below and every stripe Tee is there- for you- from cheap and chic to luxurious. Get shopping !
*PetitBateau do not ship to Australia. Soz.
Have you found a fabulous stripe Tee you want to share with us?
Do you love the look or have a question on how to wear it?
Let it all hang out: we love to hear from you!
All pictures from FiFi Pinterest page