Presque Parisien? You will be ! #Bastilleday
Do you know about Etre Cecile?
You should.
It’s a cheeky Tee shirt brand launched a couple of years ago.
Its tag line is ‘Presque Parisien’. And c’est vrais!
Even though it has an air of nonchalant French je ne sais quoi Etre Cecile was actually founded by London based Aussie Yasmin Sewell , Jemma Dyas, and two other fashionistas (They were anonymous until May this year).
Their idea? “create a unique T-shirt collective inspired by French style and clean aesthetics”. Oui, Oui, S’il vous plait. Apparently the brand’s heritage is based around ‘Cécile’, grandmother to one of the founders. Cécile was an Irish born artist, living in 1960’s Paris, with a love of animal prints and a creative flair for fashion.
This season you will love the fabulous print Tees with graphics – as you can see below – as well as the cute Tees with hilarious slogans such as “I don’t want to date you I just want to cut and paste you” ( might send that to George Clooney) or ” you make my hardrive full”.
Just the thang for tossing under a blazer back with jeans or with a flirty skirt.
You can get a great selection of Etre Cecile instore at David Jones and of course on the Etre Cecile website.
Otherwise click away on the Tee shirts below to shop, shop, shop !
Tres cool non?