It’s training Day. #bestsneakers

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What: Sneakers.
Which: You want sneakers, trainers, runners. Whatever they are called. White is best. But black, grey and taupe all look cool. Multi patchwork are for the adventurous. You want lace up, slip on or wedges.
Why: Because sporty luxe is hot. Because after years of sore feet and stilettos the flat shoe is baaack with a vengeance. Because Net a Sporter anyone?
Wear: With baggy jeans, with skinny jeans, with chinos or slouchy pants. With skirts or dresses. Yes, I think that is your entire wardrobe. My pick? Adidas with three black stripes.
Where: If you are a loyal FiFi Report reader you know I’ve been banging on about sneakers for seasons ( see here!) And you would have invested in white converse when you would first instructed. Bless. Now you need more. Shop now !

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