Want expert insider tips on makeup? Hint: you do!
This is Wayne Chick.
You can see she is a fun gal.
She is also a Make-up artist to the stars.
Wayne has whipped out her makeup kit and worked her magic on everyone from Drew Barrymore to Elle Macpherson and a slew of gorgeous models.
And moi. Of course.
I am always begging her for snazzy makeup tips and the inside scoop on new products.
Now – finally- she is sharing her expert secrets with us. Yay!
J’insiste you head straight away to Carla Loves Photography where you can read all about Wayne’s super duper tricks.
Carla Coulson is an amazing photographer who lives and works in Paris and you will adore her droolworthy blog jampacked with all the snazzy pictures of her life and travels ( and follow her on instagram too).
Carla says Wayne is the queen of “glam natural. She is an expert in the make-up you’re having when you are not having make-up”.
Which is what we all want to look like.
Natural but – yee gads- not too bare faced either.
Now for Breaking news !
Wayne is available for your own personal makeup lesson. ( Just as good as a FiFi wardrobe detox).
Calmez vous.
We’re talking real makeup to enhance your own individual look. If FiFi’s fashion philosophy is all about investing in classic, expensive colours then Wayne does the equivalent in makeup.
No horrid purple eye shadow or scary lip liner: Mais non !
To make a booking: chick.wayne@gmail.com
But wait there’s more !
Each week here at The FiFi Report we will be chatting about why we love our favourite makeup products and asking Wayne to help us how to apply it. This is spectacular news.
Do you have a questions about beauty, hair and makeup products?
If the answer is Mais oui ! Email me or leave a comment below and we will get straight onto it.
One of Wayne’s tips? “Smile a lot: It defies the perils of gravity”.
Oh and she has met George Clooney.
Nuf said.