“Breaking news! Fashion magazine Photoshops women.”
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Lena Dunham is on the cover of February 2014 American Vogue .
The amusing quotes from the controversy that ensued after Jezebel offered to pay $10,000 for anyone to reveal un-retouched images from her Annie Leibovitz Vogue shoot.
- “Breaking news! Fashion magazine Vogue Photoshops women.” imediaethics.org
- “Within two hours of offering $10,000 for unretouched images from Annie Leibovitz’s photography session with the HBO star, we received six allegedly unaltered images.” Jezebel
- “While Dunham has not been radically Photoshopped, it’s clearer than ever what kind of woman Vogue finds Vogue-worthy: The taller, longer-limbed, svelter version of reality. Vogue is not interested in reality, of course. The photographs are meant to be a fantasy, art.” jezebel.com
- “A fashion magazine is like a beautiful fantasy. Vogue isn’t the place that we go to look at realistic women, Vogue is the place that we go to look at beautiful clothes and fancy places and escapism and so I feel like if the story reflects me and I happen to be wearing a beautiful Prada dress and surrounded by beautiful men and dogs, what’s the problem?” Lena Dunham
- “I never felt bullied into anything; I felt really happy because they dressed me and styled me in a way that really reflects who I am… I know some people have been very angry about the cover and that confuses me a little.” Lena Dunham replies.
- “I don’t understand why, photoshop or no, having a woman who is different than the typical Vogue cover girl, could be a bad thing”… Lena Dunham
- “If they want to see what I really look like go watch the show that I make every single week” . Lena Dunham
- “Why haven’t they demanded the unretouched photos of Beyonce?” Lena Dunham
Watch this HILARIOUS Vogue video here with Hamish Bowles helping Lena to pose for her Vogue cover.
See the retouching here : it’s fascinating.