Monday’s Menu: Tuna Tartare, Morrocan eggplant and cumin mayo.

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This is easier than it sounds.
And I am sure you could use salmon or lamb instead of tuna.
Adulterated from Good Food where Neil Perry says “The earthy flavours of Moroccan-style eggplant team brilliantly with tuna tartare. Make sure you source a well-rounded and flavoursome chilli oil to finish the tuna dish”.

You need for 4 fashionista or 25 models.
For the eggplant
1 large eggplant
sea salt
2 large ripe truss tomatoes
½ cup extra virgin olive oil, approx
1 handful flat-leaf parsley leaves
½ clove garlic, finely chopped
½ tsp ground cumin
lemon juice, to taste
freshly ground black pepper
For the mayonnaise
⅓ cup mayonnaise
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp Dijon mustard
For the tuna
300g sashimi-grade tuna
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp roasted chilli oil
1 tbsp finely chopped chives

•    Slip into Vetements hoodie, ripped jeans and ccommon projects sneakers.
•    Pour a gin and tonic.
•    Ask Bradley Cooper to chop up garlic and tuna and chives.
•    For the eggplant: cut into 1cm slices. Salt well and leave for 1 hour. Wash and pat dry. As you do after a facial.
•    Blanch, peel and deseed tomatoes. If you can be bothered. Cut into 1cm dice about the size of a Gucci belt buckle
•    Heat half the oil.
•    In a large frying pan and fry half the eggplant slices to a deep golden brown as an Hermes wallet, taking care not to burn. The wallet and the eggplant.
•    Remove from pan and drain on paper towel to remove excess oil.
•    Repeatez with remaining oil and eggplant.
•    When eggplant is cool enough to handle like Kanye, roughly chop into 1cm pieces.
•    Add parsley leaves to pan and fry very quickly until crisp (stand back, as it will spit like Joan Collins. Bless.).
•    Remove and add to eggplant.
•    Reduce heat and then add garlic and cumin to pan.
•    Cook for 2 minutes then add tomatoes.
•    Cook for another 2 minutes then put eggplant and parsley back into pan.
•    Cook for 1 minute, then remove from heat.
•    Add a dash of extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice to taste and a grind of pepper.
•    Check seasoning. Allow to cool.
•    For the mayonnaise, whisk all the ingredients together and finish with some lemon juice, to taste.
•    Make sure to dice the tuna into ½-1cm pieces.
•    Just before serving, season the fish with extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
•    Share the eggplant salad across four chic plates.
•    Top with tuna then dollop a spoonful of cumin mayonnaise and drizzle roasted chilli oil around each dish.
•    Accessorise with finely chopped chives and serve immediately.
•    Yum.