Caramel poached peaches with berries. #summercooking.

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A fabulous dessert , it’s just the thing to whip up ahead of time for a dinner party.
It’s easy : you make the caramel jus , poach the peaches, let them cool then sprinkle with the berries et voila ! Adulterated from BBCgoodfood.
NB: Do exactly as instructed to make the caramel and it will work.

You need for 3 fashionista or 36 models
250g caster sugar
strips of zest and juice of one big 1 lemon
1 vanilla pod, cut in half and seeds scraped out
3 just ripe peaches or nectarines
100g blueberry or raspberries

•    Pull on Pucci caftan over your Eres Bikini.
•    Slip on your Prada Mules.
•    Pour a gin and tonic with a touch of lime.
•    Zest the lemon and prepare the vanilla and set aside.
•    Score the peaches in half and twist to separate. Remove the stones. Duh.
•    Heat an empty, heavy-based saucepan until you can feel a strong heat rising.
•    Sprinkle in the sugar. It should start to caramelise. Swirl the pan as the sugar dissolves and turns dark golden as a Chloe bag, but do not stir.
•    When most of the sugar has caramelised, carefully pour in 500ml just-boiled water, and stir with a long handled spoon. It will spit so take care. Like a desperate Bevelry Hills housewife.
•    The sugar will become firm as your abs after Christmas LOL, but keep heating and stirring and it will dissolve again. But your muffin top won’t after eating this.
•    Add the lemon zest and vanilla. Simmer for 5 mins.
•    Slip the peaches into the syrup and arrange in a single layer. Like your heels in your wardrobe.
•    Return the liquid to a gentle simmer and turn down the heat until it barely simmers.
•    Cook for 3-5 mins until the flesh feels tender when pierced.
•    Remove the pan from the heat, mix in the lemon juice and allow to cool.
•    Toss over the berries and serve with all that delicious syrup and cream at room temperature.
•    Yum.