Chicken braised in mustard & verjuice. #geteatting.

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Perfect for a dinner party, this is one of those recipes which you can whip up and serve later.
Adulterated from Gourmet Traveller.

You need for 4 fashionista or 25 models:

1½ tbsp olive oil
30 gm butter coarsely chopped
6 chicken Marylands halved into drumsticks and thighs.
150 gm small Swiss brown mushrooms halved.
1 leek thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped.
Finely grated rind and juice of 1 lemon.
150 ml verjuice.
1½ tabsp Dijon mustard.
250 ml (1 cup) chicken stock
80 ml (1/3 cup) pouring cream.
3 sprigs each thyme and tarragon, plus extra, coarsely chopped, to serve

•    Slip into Prada dress.
•    Pull on Dior sneakers.
•    Guzzle a bottle of wine.
•    Preheat oven to 180C.
•    Ask George Clooney to start chopping garlic, leeks, lemon and mushrooms.
•    Find the herbs and keep at hand.
•    Heat half the oil and butter in a large frying pan over medium-high heat.
•    Add chicken pieces, skin-side down, and cook, turning occasionally, until golden as a Gucci bag (3-4 minutes).
•    Turn the chicken off and let them sit while you whip up leeks in another dish.
•    Find a casserole dish and then heat remaining oil and butter , add mushrooms, leek, garlic and rind and cook, stirring occasionally, until tender as your face feels after a chemical peel (2-3 minutes).
•    Deglaze pan with verjuice, scraping base of pan, stir in mustard. Think face mask.
•    Then add stock and cream.  (That should be the recipe for life: Add cream.)
•    Bring to the boil, add chicken pieces, skin-side up, then add herbs and season to taste.
•    Transfer to oven and braise until chicken is cooked through (10-15 minutes).
•    Stir in lemon juice and check seasoning.
•    Accessorise with fresh herbs and serve with buttered beans.
•    yum